There’s snow time like the present to learn to turn!

I haven’t written for a while, so let me catch up. I was teaching at the J C Campbell Folk School the week Atlanta had an ice storm. Campbell got a little snow- just enough to cover the ground and make it very scenic.

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My class was really great. I had six amazing students: Brown, Paul, Paul, Bruce, Phil and Robin.  Three of the students were new to turning, but by the end of the week were tackling advanced turnings. The remaining students were already good turners, so I left them alone and just focused on showing them new techniques.


Back in Atlanta, I taught a bowl turning class to eight students at Highland Woodworking. Everyone left with a beautiful bowl and smiles on their faces.


If you get the opportunity to take a turning class, try it, you will be amazed! Come take one of my classes at Highland Woodworking or the J C Campbell Folk School. I teach bowl turning once a month at Highland and I will be back at Campbell the first week of September.

Until next time, happy turning!

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